RA6E1 group is built on a highly efficient 40nm process and is supported by an open and flexible ecosystem concept called Flexible Software Package (FSP) using FreeRTOS as base but can be replaced and expanded by any other RTOS or middleware user's need. RA6E1 group is suitable for IoT applications requiring many connectivity options, large embedded RAM, 200MHz performance and low power consumption. Value optimized feature integration by keeping essential high integration as well as large flash and RAM for a wide temperature range of Ta = -40/85°C. It features entry-line connectivity integration with USB 2.0 full-speed device, serial communication, CAN, QSPI and advanced analogue. Applications include general purpose entry-level applications, home appliance and building automation (voice recognition, panel control), house keeping MCU (entertainment, gateways, etc), HVAC (heating, air conditioning, boiler control) and gaming.
- Easy migration to mainstream-line with FSP and HW compatibility
- Arm® Cortex®-M33 core, Armv8-M architecture with the main extension
- 12bit A/D converter (ADC12), 12-bit D/A converter (DAC12)
- General PWM timer 32bit (GPT32) � 2, general PWM Timer 16bit (GPT16) � 4
- Low power asynchronous general purpose timer (AGT) � 6
- Arm® TrustZone®
- Low power modes, battery back-up function (VBATT), general-purpose I/O ports
- Watchdog timer (WDT), independent watchdog timer (IWDT)
- Multiple clock sources
- Event link controller (ELC), data transfer controller (DTC), DMA controller (DMAC) � 8
Warnings Market demand for this product has caused an extension in leadtimes. Delivery dates may fluctuate. Product exempt from discounts.
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