The AT32UC3A0512-ALUT is a complete System-On-Chip Microcontroller based on the processor running at frequencies up to 66MHz. It is a high-performance 32-bit RISC microprocessor core, designed for cost-sensitive embedded applications, with particular emphasis on low power consumption, high code density and high performance. The processor implements a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and a fast and flexible interrupt controller for supporting modern operating systems and real-time operating systems. Higher computation capabilities are achievable using a rich set of DSP instructions. The Peripheral Direct Memory Access controller (PDCA) drastically reduces processing overhead when transferring continuous and large data streams between modules within the MCU. The on-chip Brown-Out Detector monitors the power supply, the CPU runs from the on-chip RC oscillator or from one of external oscillator sources, a Real-Time Clock and its associated timer keeps track of the time.
- Compact 1-cycle RISC instruction set including DSP instruction set
- Read-modify-write instructions and atomic bit manipulation
- Multi-hierarchy bus system
- Internal high-speed flash
- Internal high-speed SRAM, single-cycle access at full speed
- Interrupt controller
- Universal serial bus (USB)
- Ethernet MAC 10/100Mbps interface
- Four universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitters
- Serial peripheral interfaces (SPI) with chip select signals
- 5V input tolerant I/Os
- Single 3.3V power supply or dual 1.8 to 3.3V power supply
Warnings Market demand for this product has caused an extension in leadtimes. Delivery dates may fluctuate. Product exempt from discounts.
Other details
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Part Number |
AT32UC3A0512-ALUT |
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Each |
Technical Data Sheet EN |
Product Change Notice EN |
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