Terminal block breakout for BBC micro:bit does exactly what it says on the tin. It breaks out all of the signal and power pins on the microbit to user friendly terminal blocks. No more untangling M/M or M/F jumper cables from the hastily tidied collection stashed in the corner of your drawer. It features a terminal block breakout point for each BBC micro:bit IO pin, a switch-controlled input power terminal block, two output power terminal blocks (fed through power from the switched input) and Link compatible connections for other BBC micro:bit accessory boards.
- It breaks out all of the signal and power pins on the microbit to user friendly terminal blocks
- Build permanent circuits that you move without worrying about jumper wires becoming detatched
- Features a switch controlled power block and two output power terminal blocks
- Built-in overcurrent protection what using the USB connection to transfer data to the microbit
- Microbit connects to board via edge connector that microbit slots directly into, either way around
- Board complies to the Link Standard that all Kitronik branded microbit accessories conform to
Product details
Accessory Type |
Terminal Block Breakout |
For Use With |
BBC Micro:bit |
Product Range |
- |
Other details
Brand |
Part Number |
5651 |
Quantity |
Each |
Technical Data Sheet EN |
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